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From The Void is all about bringing you the most interesting stories from around the world! Stories that astonish and amaze! We strive to bring on experts, authors, researchers, and experiencers to shine a light on strange tales that really happened.
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Nora Creech "The Mystery of the Shroud of Turin" pt. 2
Welcome to the finale with Nora Creech as we delve into the enigmatic Shroud of Turin. This episode unravels the complexities surrounding the controversial radiocarbon dating tests conducted in 1988, which declared the Shroud a medieval forgery. Discover the scientific disputes and alternate dating ...
Nora Creech "The Mystery of the Shroud of Turin" pt. 1
In this episode of From the Void, we delve into the enigmatic Shroud of Turin, a relic that intertwines faith and science in a profound mystery. Join us as we explore whether the Shroud is truly the burial cloth of Jesus or an elaborate hoax. Our guest, Nora Creech, a member of Athonia, shares her e...
Warren Agius "Close Encounters of the 4th Kind: Alien Abductions" pt. 2
Join us for the conclusion of an extraordinary interview with Warren Agius, where we delve into his fascinating new book, Close Encounters: Exploring the Mysteries of Alien Abductions. We examine compelling historical cases and unravel the stages of these mysterious encounters beyond just physical e...
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John Williamson

Researcher/Investigator/Graphic Designer
Ashley Tarbet
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Amazing host and guests
Interviews on interesting topics done really well. The host is a great conversationalist and is easy to listen to. I love it!
Good show!
John is a really good interviewer with excellent topics and guests. Always something interesting.
Great show
Some fascinating and thought provoking content. Highly recommended.
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