Chris Woodyard ”Haunted Ohio & The ABCs of Victorian Death” pt. 2
From The Void PodcastJanuary 15, 2024x
28:4926.39 MB

Chris Woodyard ”Haunted Ohio & The ABCs of Victorian Death” pt. 2

Guest Info/Bio: 

This week I welcome the legendary author, Chris Woodyard! Chris is the author of the Haunted Ohio book series, but she also has written about ghosts, spook lights, incendiary polts, strange visions in the sky, monsters, Marian apparitions, and forteana from around the world. 

Considering herself a “fortean”, forteans are named for Charles Fort, a researcher of all things strange. 

Chris is currently working on various non-fiction subjects, several mystery series, fictional horror stories, and some historical novels. Her most recent non-fiction books include The Victorian Book of the Dead and The Ghost Wore Black: Ghastly Tales from the Past. 

Guest (select) Publications: 

Haunted Ohio volumes 1-7, The Victorian Book of the Dead, The Ghost Wore Black: Ghastly Tales from the Past, The Face in the Window: Haunting Ohio Tales, Headless Horror: Strange and Ghostly Ohio Tales. 

Guest Website/Social Media: 

Twitter: @hauntedohiobook 


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The From the Void Podcast is written, edited, mixed, and produced by John Williamson. 

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